
評分4.9(92)·免費簡介.ConvertHEICimagestoJPEGorPNG.□Features.-Veryfastconversion.-ConverttoeitherJPEGorPNG.-ChooseJPEGquality.- ...,評分4.3(12)·免費·iOS·TheappisaHEICtoJPGconverter,designedtoconvertphotosstoredinHEICformattowidely-usedJPGformat.Itsmainfeaturesinclude:High ...,HEICConverterXisaEasy-to-useheicimageconvertertoolforWindows.Itsupportsbatchconversionofheicfilestoothercommonlyused ......

在Mac App Store 上的「HEIC Converter」

評分 4.9 (92) · 免費 簡介. Convert HEIC images to JPEG or PNG. □ Features. - Very fast conversion. - Convert to either JPEG or PNG. - Choose JPEG quality. - ...

在App Store 上的「HEIC Converter

評分 4.3 (12) · 免費 · iOS · The app is a HEIC to JPG converter, designed to convert photos stored in HEIC format to widely-used JPG format. Its main features include: High ...

HEIC Converter X - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

HEIC Converter X is a Easy-to-use heic image converter tool for Windows. It supports batch conversion of heic files to other commonly used ...

HEIC Converter

CloudConvert converts your image files online. Amongst many others, we support PNG, JPG, GIF, WEBP and HEIC. You can use the options to control image resolution ... HEIC to JPG · HEIC to PNG · HEIC to PDF


Convert your MacOS and iOS photos online to widely used JPEG or PNG without compromising quality or changing your workflow!

Convert Heic to JPEG for free

Convert HEICs to JPEGs. Convert HEIC photos to JPEGs without harming their quality. Download photos. Choose heic/jpg photos or drop them here. Maximum 5 photos.

HEIC File Converter 1.2.0 免安裝版- HEIC圖片轉檔工具

Use Heic File Converter to convert .heic files to jpg/png in one go. Batch process. Turn multiple .heic files to jpg, png and pdf files at one ...


線上一次轉換多個HEIC 圖片文檔至JPG格式。 上傳你的文檔,並轉換它。 選擇多張圖片.

HEIC Converter - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

功能. Converts HEIC, preserving the image metadata (EXIF data). Converts locally, so it's fast and secure and doesn't upload anything to internet.

15 款免費好用的HEIC 轉JPG 工具【HEIC 轉檔方法推薦】

Aiseesoft HEIC Converter 是個HEIC 轉檔工具,可以將所有在Windows 或Mac 的照片從HEIC 格式轉換為JPG/JPEG 或PNG。而且因為在電腦上執行,相對於把檔案丟 ...